UNC Lacrosse Project: Head Shot Day

The team was scheduled to do head shots and an outdoor team photo today. Until today the area had not received any rain since August 26th. Crops were wilting, lawns were crunchy and gardens required daily waterings to survive the drought we’ve been experiencing. On a day when good weather was needed, we of course picked the first rainy day in weeks to do the team photo outside. That said, given the severe drought we’ve had, I can’t complain too much. We needed rain more than we needed good weather. Given the rain, the team photo was rescheduled to next Friday. Jeff Camarati, the UNC photographer, was suppose to do it, but will be with the football team then. So looks like I’ve been drafted to take the photo in his place. That means no outtakes or behind-the-scenes look at the process.

The head shots were indoors in the team room and did not require good weather obviously. The players however, drenched by the downpour as they poured into the locker room, were soaking wet. Ties, shirts and hair all needed time to dry out. Still, many of the players had their picture taken with wet hair and it wasn’t because they were working out beforehand.

Before players had their head shot take by Jeff, they had to first pass inspection by sports information director Dave Lohse. Culprits with crooked or sloppy ties were stopped at the pass and not allowed to have their photo taken. Some like Chris Hunt with a newly dry cleaned shirt and Bobby McCauley were dressed to impress and passed the “Lohse test” with flying colors. Others like Michael Jarvis and Nick Tintle needed some work before getting a pass.

UNC Lacrosse

UNC Lacrosse