Limestone scrimmage
My post on Inside Lacrosse
I’m on a roll today. My 3rd post of the day! (Well, actually, it is 12:40am, so first of the new day). I forgot to link to my post on the Inside Lacrosse blog. They were kind enough to let me post on their site. Most of the information is …
Google hearts me again
To any of you out there with a blog run by the WordPress platform, here’s a warning to all of you: Keep your WordPress software updated. I was taking the “it works fine” mentality on my software and not updating for at least 6 months. Big mistake. One of the …
UNC Lacrosse Project: Next Time I’m Wearing Thicker Socks
Today was the second day of practice for the team. They arrived back to campus last week from Christmas break but were doing weight training and conditioning before this week. Before practice started, North Carolina was having some beautiful weather. 60 and 70 degree days were not unusual to find. …
UNC Lacrosse Project: Cold Practice
Today was the second day of practice for the team. They arrived back to campus last week from Christmas break but were doing weight training and conditioning before this week. Before practice started, North Carolina was having some beautiful weather. 60 and 70 degree days were not unusual to find. But someone upstairs has a sense of humor it seems – just as outdoor practice started, the temperatures began to plummet. With the wind chill, I think we were around the mid 30’s. I was pretty thankful that I didn’t live in the Northeast. I bet the boys at Cornell and Dartmouth have it way worse. I was trying to feel some sympathy for them, but after my feet began to hurt from the cold ground, I stopped feeling most everything.
I didn’t take very many photos today. My fingers were getting stiff from the cold making using the camera uncomfortable. I was also battling the light with darkness now arriving earlier in the day from the time change.