Duke Lacrosse vs. Rutgers – quick preview of photos.

Duke lacrosse defenseman Ryan McFayden (@JRMcFadyen) flips over UNC attackman Michael B. Burns on March 17, 2007.

Duke freshman Jake Tripucka during national anthem. I always liked the photo because most of his body is in shadow but then sun is on his face. Couldn’t ask for better lighting.  The looking-up angle has the heroic look to it.

UNC Lacrosse’s Chris Cortina (@cortweetna), Mathias McCall (@TweetOnMatthias) and Ben Hunt (@BLHunt) at their off-campus house on January 13, 2008.

Duke lacrosse’s Zach Howell chilling in his room during championship weekend in Baltimore, MD.  Zach was always an awesome and pleasant guy to work with.

UNC lacrosse’s David Ryan ® and Michael Jarvis before playing Notre Dame on 3/10/2007.

Former UNC lacrosse player Billy Benz Bitter () and Harvard’s Michael Keegan and Jake Gambitsky at the 2011 San Francisco Lacrosse Classic.

Duke’s John Danowski (@John_Danowski) fires up his athletes before the 2009 ACC championship. Client: Inside Lacrosse

Duke lacrosse’s Ned Crotty (@nedcrotty) throws lacrosse balls in the shower on April 26, 2009 before playing North Carolina for the ACC championship.